
Go to floor 2 of the depot, head south and pass through the portal. You can head north for the god of Order or south for the God of Chaos once you are inside.


Feats are character boosts received after completing task for Disciple of Chaos and Disciple of Order

Performing a challenge

  1. Starting a challenge requires a fee of 20 million gold (20 KK).
  2. You will be given a task to slay a type of monster randomly selected from a pool depending on your level:
  3. When you are done with your task, return to the NPC and the next step will be turning in specific items. Once again, the items are randomly picked from a pool:
  4. Next step will require you to kill a strong creature picked from a pool:
  5. Return to the NPC to complete your task and choose a feat.

Available feats

Order Passive Feats

Order Spell Feats

Chaos Passive Feats

Chaos Spell Feats