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Archlight Wiki

Welcome to the ArchlightOnline Wiki.

Help the Wiki

At the end of every month we will be rewarding people who contribute to our wiki.

We will be raffling away $25USD a month to a random wikipedia contributor with atleast 5+ Sizable Edits or Additions(Read about below) or 10+ Small Edits - Like fixing a weapon attack, defense, etc (Assuming not just adding a , or .) Additionally, the top 5 contributors every month will receive $10USD of Archlight Coins as well!

Sizable Edits: We will review all edits, and rally up contributions based on multiple small edits, or sizable edits (more than just a couple words etc) If you need images of an item, creature, etc, contact CM Fluffydrakoz. if there is anything different on Abaldar or Legacy world, simply tag (Abaldar) or (Legacy) before the difference.

If you wish to help improve our Wiki. Please contact us over at Discord or send us an email

start.1671111927.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/15 13:45 by fluffydrakoz