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The Corsair is a lethal and brazen hybrid fighter that uses a Pistol and Dagger. Able to deal damage from a range with their offhand, and strike effectively in melee range.

- Corsairs can use the following Enchantments: Enraging, Hemorage, Life Bloom, Life Leech, Grasping and/or Richochet.
- Corsair Attack Speed cap is 6.
- Corsair's Base Weapon Damage is 16.
- Corsair' Spells and Auto-Attacks scales with Strength.


Specializations can be unlocked after obtaining the three Promotions and Awakening.

Spec of mass destruction can cast alot of AOE's in a short amount of time duo to the huge CDR buffs. perfect for solo playing and farming.

Team-play version that can cast alot of buffs for the party and strength allies in battles. less AOE than the Demolitionist but can benefit of higher resistance.

Soul Rune

Corsair Soul Rune
Deals damage to random tiles in a circle area.
Soul Runes scales with Runemastery.


Attack Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Base Damage Spell Description

Quick Draw
8 2s/2s 85 Shoots the target, dealing damage.

Skull Cracker
60 6s/2.5s 201 Deals damage to a singular target, reducing threat. Pushes the target 1 sqm away. Doesn't work against bosses.

Run The Barrel
100 7s/2s 54 Shoots multiple times against the target. dealing damage.

Dead eye
250 9s/2s 161 Shoots the target dealing damage.

Cannon Barrage
600 18s/2s 89 Deals damage to random tiles in a large area.

Second Wave
1500 18s/2s 93 Deals damage to random tiles in a large area. Follows the caster

Explosive Shot
1500 7s/2s 81 Fires an explosive round.

Gauss Barrel
1500 14s/2s 325 Shoots the enemy dealing damage.

Call In The Militia
1500 90s/1s 40 Call 4 Blue Coats to your side to help you fight for 15 seconds.
(These scale like all summons).
Obtainable from Cooking Up A Storm quest.

Healing Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Base Healing Spell Description

Flask of Rum
8 1s/1s 60 Heals the health. This value is increased by 0.85% of your maximum health..

Bottle of Rum
100 14s/1s 61 Heals the health. This value is increased by 4% of your maximum health..

Support Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Spell Description

Draw Cards
8 120s/0.1s Draws cards, used for ammo inside the gun.

Flask of Gin
80 30s/0.1s Increases the cooldown reduction of the caster by 4% for 30 seconds.

Flask of Vodka
80 30s/0.1s Increases the resistance of the caster by 8%.

Corsairs Gamble
1500 300s/0.1s The Corsair rolls his dice, on a 1, 2 or 3 he receives no buff. However, on a 4, 5 or 6 him and his party receive the following buff for 5 minutes:
4: +10% Resistance, 5: +10% Experience Gain and 6: +8% Damage Dealt.

Extra Shot of Vodka
1500 30s/0.1s Increases the resistance of the caster by 15%.

Extra Shot of Gin
1500 30s/0.1s Increases the cooldown reduction of the caster by 8% for 30 seconds.


Card Effect Description

Ice Card
Turns your basic attacks into ice element. 10% chance to slow the target hit.

Fire Card
Turns your basic attacks into fire element. Deals 3×3 squared AoE Fire Damage around the target.

Energy Card
Turns your basic attacks into energy element. 20% chance to apply an Energy DoT (Damage over Time).

Earth Card
Turns your basic attacks into earth element. Gives resistance 7% to the Corsair each hit.

Death Card
Turns your basic attacks into death element. Improves the Corsair's damage by 8% (Applies to spells as well as auto attacks).

Awakening Spells

After reaching awakening you will get Awakened Spell Points every 10 levels that you can spend on spells to increase their potency and give them special effects.
These spells will be marked with .

Spell name Guaranteed Effect Choose Between Description

Auto Attack
Has 15% chance to make targets bleed for 5 seconds, dealing the same damage caused by the auto attack per second Card Trick Effect from cards will be +50% more effective.
Bloodthirsty Bleed caused by a dagger is twice as effective.
Heal Scurvy Has 10% chance to cleanse yourself. Succesful cleanses will also heal the attacker for 3% of its maximum health.

Soul Rune
Causes bleed equal to 50% of the damage caused, lasts for 5 seconds and ticks 1 every second. Dedication The effect follows the target.
Rush Deals the whole damage at once, but in a 2×2 circle area.
Ahoy! Can only cast on self. Shoots enemies within 4 sqm range, three times in a row, exploding on hit.

Call In The Militia
Summons an extra Blue Coat. Run The Barrel Blue Coat receives the spell Run The Barrel. It has 10% chance to cast.
Card Disciple Each Blue Coat receive a random card effect to their auto attacks.
Break Leg Blue Coat deals +50% more damage to paralyzed targets.

Cannon Barrage
Deals 20% extra damage. Area heavily increased. Injure Enemies hit are paralyzed by 80%.
Cannon-Ball Requires a target. Hits your target with a cannon ball, dealing a high amount of a damage in a 3×3 circle area.
Faster! Delay between waves decreased from 750ms to 500ms, delay between hits decreased from 100ms to 75ms and rounds increased from 4 to 6.

Corsairs Gamble
While in a party, the effect is buffed by +50%. If not, cooldown reduced in half. Pact Can only draw damage roll, but the amount is random (range between -4, +2 from the original value).
Jackpot! Always draw a jackpot, but with half of its effectiveness.
Pride 50% chance to bust, 50% chance to jackpot.

Dead eye
Causes bleed equal to the damage caused, lasts for 5 seconds and hits every 1 second. Now bounces to 2 other enemies. High Noon Shoots every target in front of you, but deals -50% damage. It has a 5 tile range on the position your facing towards in a cone shape.
Big One Against players, deals double damage to enemies with more maximum health than you. Against monsters, deals double damage to enemies with more percentage health than you.
Frenzy Explodes in a 1×1 square area on the player and on the target position.

Explosive Shot
Makes enemies hit burn for 90% of the damage caused. Lasts for 2 seconds and hits every 1 second. Hidden Dynamite Killing an enemy with the DoT causes the corpse to explode, dealing AoE damage.
Anti Heal Players hit can't heal for 2 seconds.
Fuel Hitting enemies that are bleeding cause them to explode in a small area, dealing +20% damage.

Gauss Barrel
Yields +10% resistance for 5 seconds. Shoulder Shot Disarms the target for 4 seconds.
Barrel Explosion Explodes in a large area, dealing damage and making enemies hit burn.
Accuracy Each tile of distance closer to the target will yield a +10% damage bonus.

Run The Barrel
Shoots 10 times in a row instead of 6. Point-Blank Deals +25% damage if the target is within melee range.
Fan the Hammer Now shoots 15 times, but has 10% chance to miss the shot. Delay between shots decreased and damage increased by +20%.
Multi Shot Now shoots 20 times against enemies nearby your target.

Second Wave
Added an extra wave. Area heavily increased. Second Wave If casted within 5 seconds after casting Cannon Barrage, deals +30% extra damage.
No Wasted Bullets Adds an extra final explosion, dealing damage to all tiles. No longer follows the caster.
Wanted Instead of hitting empty tiles, directly shoot enemies within the range. Range decreased to 4 tiles.

Skull Cracker
Stuns the enemy for 2 seconds. Provoke Taunts the enemy.
Boss Killer Deals +200% damage against bosses. Threat reduction increased in +5%.
Temple Hit Deals damage in an AOE area around the caster.

Quick Draw
Now bounces to 2 near targets within 3 tiles of distance. Quicker Shoots twice.
Side Effect Deals AoE in wave shape respective to the caster's position against the target.
Accuracy Each tile of distance closer to the target will yield a +10% damage bonus.

Basic Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Spell Description

Conjure Food
8 2s/2s Creates a random piece of food.

Find “Name
8 2s/0.1s Searches for the target player.

8 2s/0.1s Emits a light source around the caster.

Jump “up/down
8 2s/0.1s Can levitate the caster up or down a ledge.

Magic Rope
8 2s/0.1s Ropes the caster up a rope spot.

8 2s/0.1s Gives speed to the caster.

Cure Poison
10 6s/1s Cures the Poison effect.

Cure Burning
20 6s/1s Cures the Burning effect.

Cure Electrification
20 6s/1s Cures the Electrified effect.


The Heaven and Hell artifact are awarded after you finish the arena against either Heaven or Hell by talking to the Faith Servant at +2 Depot. This costs 100 AT and 5 million gold for each attempt. If you die, you fail and will have to attempt it again from the beginning. You can do the arena for both artifacts if you so wish.

Heaven Artifact
Tier 1

  • Recruit: An extra Blue Coat may be summoned by Call In The Militia.

Tier 2

  • Gin Sour: Increases Cooldown bonus from Flask of Gin from 4% to 6%.
  • White Russian: Increases Resistance bonus from Flask of Vodka from 8% to 12%.

Tier 3

  • Aftermath: Napalm disarms enemies hit for 1 second.
  • Double Barrel: Gauss Barrel bounces to 2 enemies.

Hell Artifact

Tier 1

  • Gunpowder: Increases Cannon Barrage damage by 50%.

Tier 2

  • Gin Tonic: Flask of Gin grants +5% attack speed.
  • Moscow Mule: Flask of Vodka grants +10% spell damage.

Tier 3

  • Firestorm: Increases Napalm’s damage by 20%.
  • Barrel Roll: Gauss Barrel is casted again after 1 second, triggering Awakening Effects, if any.


corsair.1699326019.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/07 03:00 by fluffydrakoz