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The Necromancer prefers to summon undeads to do his biding, instead of getting his own hands dirty. Altough most of the necromancer's damage comes from its summons, the necromancer can also use several damage over time spells.

- Necromancers can use the following Enchantments: Enraging, Clear State, Life Bloom, Life Leech or Grasping.
- Necromancer's Attack Speed cap is 3.
- Necromancer's Base Weapon Damage is 12.
- Necromancer' Spells and Auto-Attacks scales with Intelligence.


Specializations can be unlocked after obtaining the three Promotions and Awakening.

The Conjurer Necromancer doesn’t want to do the hard work, he has his undead friends to do that for him. He has the power to summon the most horrifying of undead creatures.

The Witch is a devious caster, able to haunt an enemy without even seeing them. The witch is a master of their damage over time skills, and focuses less on their summons and more on their mind bending magic.

Soul Rune

Necromancer Soul Rune
Deals direct damage and applies a Damage over Time.
Soul Runes scales with Runemastery.


Attack Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Base Damage Spell Description

Reapers Touch
8 4s/2s 57 Applies 3 Damage over Time effects to the target.

Energy Strike
12 2s/2s 73 Shoots a energy ball at your target.

Ice Strike
12 2s/2s 73 Shoots a ball of ice at your target.

Flame Strike
12 2s/2s 73 Shoots a ball of fire at your target.

Death Strike
12 2s/2s 73 Shoots a death ball at your target.

Terra Strike
13 2s/2s 73 Shoots a ball of earth at your target.

20 2s/2s 97 Spawns an underling to run and explode at it's target.

Death Wave
38 6s/2s 217 A wave of death spreads in front of the caster.

Gathering Fear
80 10s/2s 189 A large Death AoE erupts around the caster.

Unholy Shackles
300 10s/2s 61 Damages and paralyzes the target.

Lich Form
300 90s/0.1s Turns you into a Lich Form for a period of time giving increased Attack Power and spell Vampirism (2% of damage dealt will be converted into mana).
Available in the Quick Button menu.
Witchs Hourglass 1500 8.5s/2s 113 Applies a powerful DoT effect to the target.

Witchs Cauldron
1500 14s/2s 129 A large and Powerful AOE erupts around the caster.

Corpse Explosion
1500 10s/2s 209 Explodes up to 5 corpses that you own in a wide area around you, dealing damage.

Mind Seizure
1500 8s/2s 197 Stronger version of Unholy Shackles.

Life Harvest
1500 16s/2s 97 For 3 seconds drains HP from 5 nearby creatures, healing the caster's mana.

Fire Skull
1500 12s/2s 305 Releases 3 fire skulls that chooses random targets to deal damage exploding in a 2×2 area. Prioritazes targets near you.

Skeleton Army
1500 90s/1s 81 Summons a skeleton every second, over 10 seconds, which will run towards the master's target and explode.
This spell can only be used after completing the Cooking Up A Storm Quest.

Healing Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Base Healing Spell Description

Healing Ritual
20 2s/1s 50 Heals the mana of the caster.

Support Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Spell Description
Necroi Sacrifice 20 1s/1s Removes all summoned monsters.
Assemble Lesser “Type 25 2s/2s Summons a lesser attacking monster. Types: “Bloodfiend”, “Fleshfiend”, “Bonefiend “or “Shadowfiend”.
Available in the Quick Button menu.
Assemble “Type 300 2s/2s Summons a attacking monster.
Available in the Quick Button menu.
Assemble Strong “Type 500 2s/2s Summons a strong attacking monster.
Available in the Quick Button menu.
Assemble Greater “Type 700 2s/2s Summons a greater attacking monster.
Available in the Quick Button menu.
Assemble Demonic “Type 1500 2s/2s Summons a demonic attacking monster.
Available in the Quick Button menu.

necromancer.1652440061.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/13 11:07 by rhyxus