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The Samurai has a unique resource that further channels the power of spells executed through his blade called Qi. Every 5 seconds, the Samurai obtains Qi, allowing the Samurai to further empower the next ability used. This is not a stackable resource. Each ability has a 30 second cooldown of it's Qi use, meaning you cannot use the same ability with Qi and will have to cleverly time your ability use to make the most out of your Qi. Samurai is able to store 2 Qi charges


Charges at the opponent stunning them for 0.5s and dealing Large damage and slightly slowing the target.



  1. Arcane
  2. Haste
  3. Runemastery
  4. Strength
  5. Precision


  1. Vitality
  2. Restoration
  3. Arcane
  4. Runemastery
  5. Strength


Specializations can be unlocked after obtaining the three Promotions and Awakening




Gekko blade grants you resistance for a short period of time.


Tiger blade grants you haste based on your current haste stat.


Attack spells

Spell name Type Level Cooldown Spell description Qi modification
Yaten Blade Instant 35 6s/1.5s Makes your next attack deal a large amount of damage. Extra damage
Wakasashi Instant 20 2s/1.5s Quick additional attack 2 Quick additional attacks
Venomed Wakasashi Instant+DoT 1500 12s/1.5s Quick additional attack, causes slow and DoT 2 quick additional attacks, causes double slow and double DoT.
Venom Blade DoT 300 6s/1.5s Makes next attack slow enemy and deal a damage over time Causes double slow and double DoT damage
Tiger Blade Instant 600 6s/1.5s Your attacks and spells are guaranteed to critical strike for short period of time Causes Bleed
Storm Blade Instant 1000 7s/1.5s Makes next attack chain lightning to 3 targets Chains up to 8 targets
Hira Shuriken Instant 1500 10s/1.5s Throws 2 blades at a target increasing Samurai's movement speed by 20% for 3s. Throws 3 blades and increases movement speed by 30%.
Dragon Blade Instant 1500 12s/1.5s Makes your next attack hit in a wave of five infront of you and taunt all the enemies. Deals burning damage over time.
Cyclone Blade AoE 150 5s/1.5s Makes next attack whirlwind hitting all around the Samurai. Increases Area of Damage.

Healing spells

Spell name Type Level Cooldown Spell description Qi modification
Clan's Blessing Instant 8 4s/1s Heals for a small amount of HP. -
Imperial Courtesy Instant 100 14s/1s Heals for a large amount of HP. -
Gekko Blade Instant 60 10s/1.5s Makes next attack heal the Samurai. Adds a Heal over time (HoT).

Support spells

Spell name Type Level Cooldown Spell description Qi modification
Kenki blade Instant 20 5s/1.5s Makes your next attack taunt the enemy. Taunts all enemies in 3x3 area.
Gyoten Blade Buff 40 20s/1.5s Makes your next attack Increase your melee skill value by 20% for 10 seconds Increases duration to 20s.
Last Stand Buff 1500 60s/1.5s While the samurai remains unmoved, he will receive +10% resistance, +10% damage and +3% health per second for 10 seconds. -
Shisui Blade Buff 1500 20s/1.5s Makes your next attack increase your Precision by 20% for 10s Increases duration to 20s.
War Banners Buff 1500 60s/1.5s Makes your next attack increase everyone in your partners stats by +5 for 15s -
Dragon Spirit Buff 1500 90s/2s For the next 10 seconds, they have unlimited Qi for casting Qi spells. This spell can only be used after completing the Cooking Up A Storm. -

Awakening Spells

Spell NameGuaranteed EffectChoose BetweenDescription

Auto Attack
Has 10% chance to recover QIDouble HitHas 20% chance to hit twice
Long KatanaHas 25% chance to hit adjacent targets
Katana of WisdomHas 20% chance to end a random QI effect in colldown

Soul Rune
Deals damage to adjacent targetsConcentrationRecovers QI
ImpulseEach tile of distance from the caster to the target increases the total damage by 5%
Extra ProtectionReceives +15% resistance for 3 seconds after hitting the target
\\Cyclone Blade Area increased(works only on non-QI version)HurricaneDeals +20% damage
TyphoonNow pushes enemies within a 2×2 circle area
SwirlNow pulls enemies within a 2×2 circle area towards you
\\Dragon Blade Now will also heal you on hitFire BallDeals damage in a 3×3 circle area instead of wave shape
Dragon's BreathIf QI, casts the spell again
Dragon's ProtectionEach target taunted will yield you +2% resistance for 5 seconds, up to 20%. Taunt enemies hit
dragon_spirit\\Dragon Spirit Increase duration by 2 secondsPhoenix SpiritIf you die while Dragon spirit is active, you will reborn from your ashes, healing full HP. As a side effect, you get stunned for 5 seconds
Dragon's DemandYour abilities will always be casted in their QI versions
Powerful BladeWhile active, your auto attacks have 15% chance to cast a random “on hit” spell
\\Hira Shuriken Applies DoT for 14% of the original damage, lasts for 5 seconds and hits every 1 secondHira TeleportationThrows a shuriken towards the enemy, teleportating to them, slashing twice for +100% of damage
Bigger PocketThrows 2 extra shurikens
Spinning ShurikenShurikens will spin around you, dealing damage. Now heal nearby allies
\\Last Stand Can now move, but only with half of your movement speedHealing StandDeals +20% damage
Damage StandNow increases +10% damage to nearby allies for 10 seconds
Protective StandNow gives +10% resistance to nearby allies for 10 seconds
\\Storm Blade Shoots 2 extra lightningsShort CircuitAfter 2 seconds, creatures hit will form a short circuit, dealing damage
Side EffectEvery time the same enemy is hit, the next lightning causes +20% damage
OverchargedDeals damage in a 1×1 square area around enemies hit
\\Tiger Blade Increases movement speed by 40% for 5 secondsTiger ChargeOn cast, charges to the enemy. Requires a target
Tiger's FuryOn hit, receives +10% damage for 5 seconds
Tiger's QuicknessOn hit, receives +25% chance to dodge attack for 5 seconds
\\Venomed Wakasashi Adds an extra hitPoisonous ExplosionThe target explodes, dealing the same amount of damage to enemies nearby in a 3×3 circular area and applying a skill based poison DoT that hits every second for 5 rounds. Spending QI charge makes the poison to deal twice as much damage
Poisonous BladeIf the target is already poisoned, adds 2 extra hits
No CureThe target player will be unable to heal for 1 second
\\Venom Blade Snares the target for 2 secondsVenom WaveDeals damage in a wave shape
Quick ActionTriple poison damage, but lasts half of the time
Poisonous SpreadIf the target is already poisoned, spreads the poison to nearby enemies
\\Yaten Blade Applies DoTWide CutHit enemies in a wide area around the target
Blade FlowCasts twice
IntimidateStuns the target for 2 seconds

samurai.1647102248.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/12 16:24 by dicanio