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The Guardian is a powerful, high defense and high health warrior who uses a Shield as a primary weapon.

- Guardian can use the following Enchantments: Enraging, Enflaming (recommended), Hemorage, Life Bloom, Life Leech or Grasping.
- Guardian's Attack Speed cap is 5.
- Guardian's Base Weapon Damage is 16.
- Guardian' Spells and Auto-Attacks scales with Strength.


Specializations can be unlocked after obtaining the three Promotions and Awakening.

The Holy guardian has followed his true path in the light. He is able to better self heal and do extra offensive skills, allowing him to output more damage and heal himself more with the sacrifice of the protection and resistance.

The Protector is essentially a shield wall. He is a guardian who has taken it upon himself to trust his healers and focus completely on protecting his teammates.

Soul Rune

Guardian Soul Rune
Stuns the target and heals the guardian for a percentage of their max health (the heal does scale with Runemastery).
Soul Runes scales with Runemastery.


Attack Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Base Damage Spell Description

Shield Bash
18 4s/2s 265 A wave of holy damage erupts in front of the caster.

Sunfire Missile
20 4s/2s 250 Shoots a holy missile at your target.

70 6s/2s 128 Does holy damage in a area around the caster.

275 10s/2s 74 Paralyzes the target.

Burst of Light
500 8s/2s 213 Does holy damage in a area around the caster.

Burning Weapon
650 7s/2s 111 Imbues the caster's weapon with fire, dealing damage and sets the target on fire.

Shield Slam
1500 13s/2s 257 Deals a singular target based on the caster's melee skill.

Command Attention
1500 15s/2s 500 Deals damage and commands monsters to attack the caster.

Blazing Light
1500 15s/2s 116 Throws your weapon at the enemy dealing holy damage and applying a holy damage over time.

Holy Shock
1500 12s/2s 116 Deals damage to the target and make it take holy damage over time.

Holy Retribution
1500 11s/2s 159 Calls down a large holy nova around the caster.

Holy Spirit
1500 90s/2s Summons a Holy Spirit that heals the caster every few seconds.
Obtainable from Cooking Up A Storm quest.

Healing Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Base Healing Spell Description

Flash Heal
8 1s/1s 41 Heal for a small amount of HP.

Holy Flash
20 20s/1s 132 Heal for a moderate amount of HP.

Divine Light
1500 6s/2s 67 A large heal in a small window of time.

Divine Intervention
1500 90s/2s 275 Heals the caster for a set amount of a short period of time.

Support Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Base Damage Spell Description

20 5s/2s Command monsters to attack the caster.
Available in the Quick Button menu.

Ultimate Challenge
40 12s/1s 178 Deals melee damage and command monsters to attack the caster.
Available in the Quick Button menu.

Shield Wall
1500 40s/0.1s Increases the caster's Resistance by 10% for 10 seconds.
Available in the Quick Button menu.

Raise Shields
1500 20s/0.1s Increases the caster's Resistance for 5% for 8 seconds.
Available in the Quick Button menu.

Awakening Spells

After reaching awakening you will get Awakened Spell Points every 10 levels that you can spend on spells to increase their potency and give them special effects.
These spells will be marked with .

Spell name Guaranteed Effect Choose Between Description

Auto Attack
Has 50% chance to taunt your target. Helping Weapon Has 60% chance to deal damage to enemies around you.
Healing Weapon Has 30% chance to heal 2% of your HP.
Protective Weapon Has 30% chance to yield 1.25% resistance for 2 seconds.

Soul Rune
Now deals damage. Execute Deal damage based on how much HP the target has lost. Less lost HP, more damage.
Instigate Reduces 8% threat and taunts target.
Heaven's Light Now sends a light beam in the target's position, dealing damage. Every second, the light beam grows, dealing damage in a larger area. Lasts for 3 seconds.

Holy Spirit
Now heal allies as well. Cleansing Heal Allies healed will now be cleansed.
Extra Protection Allies healed will receive 10% resistance for 15 seconds.
Shadow Spirit Every 2 second, deal high damage in an AoE area against the target.

Holy Shock
Bounces to 3 enemies. Purify Now bounces to 3 allies and 3 enemies. If the target is an ally, it will heal and cleanse them. If it's an enemy, it will deal damage.
Healing Shock The projectile gets back at you healing 10% of your maximum health.
Provocative Shock Taunts enemies hit.

Holy Retribution
Area increased. Consecration Consecrate the soil following the Guardian, healing allies and damaging enemies over time.
Faith Greatly heal health and mana from allies hit, but doesn't deal damage anymore.
Extinguish Enemies hit heal -50% for 2 seconds.

Raise Shields
Duration extended to 12 seconds. Thorns For 10 seconds, reflects 20% of damage received.
Sturdy Becomes unstoppable for 5 seconds. Unstoppable players ignore any Crowd Control.
Tough Skin Gains +0.5% resistance for every 5% of HP missing, up to +5% resistance.

Any holy damage received by the target will be increased by 15% for 3 seconds. Quiet Silence enemies hit for 2 seconds.
Provoke Taunt enemies hit.
Fragment Sends a lightning to hit the target, then fragmenting itself into smaller lightnings, dealing damage to enemies.

Shield Bash
Deals damage to all directions. Cooldown doubled. Challenge Every enemy hit besides your target is pushed away. 1 SQM range.
Shield Dash Charges towards the enemy stunning targets hit. 8 SQM range.
March Deals +100% damage to enemies stunned.

Shield Slam
Taunts enemy hit. Focused Slam Becomes single target. Deals +100% damage, pushes and stuns the target for 1 second.
Drop Weapon Disarms enemies hit for 2 seconds.
Shield Protection Receives 2.5% resistance for 5 seconds.

Area heavily increased. Holy Power Blind enemies hit for 2 seconds.
Faith Sunfire will also heal you and allies in the area.
Constant Praying The effect will follow you for 3 seconds, dealing damage to enemies.

Sunfire Missile
Bounces to an extra enemy. In Between If the target is isolated, it will bounce between the caster and the target.
Provoke Taunt enemies hit.
Sunfire Explosion Explodes on hit, dealing half of the original damage. It has 50% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.

Ultimate Challenge
Area heavily increased. Hold Tight Receives +.75% resistance for each enemy hit, up to 7.5%, for 4s. If a boss is hit, receives the +5% resistance.
Provoked For 5 seconds, enemies hit will deal 10% more damage against you, but receives 10% more damage from any source.
Audacity Heavily slow down enemies hit.

Basic Spells

Spell name Level Cooldown Spell Description

Conjure Food
8 2s/2s Creates a random piece of food.

Find “Name
8 2s/0.1s Searches for the target player.

8 2s/0.1s Emits a light source around the caster.

Jump “up/down
8 2s/0.1s Can levitate the caster up or down a ledge.

Magic Rope
8 2s/0.1s Ropes the caster up a rope spot.

8 2s/0.1s Gives speed to the caster.

Cure Poison
10 6s/1s Cures the Poison effect.

Cure Burning
20 6s/1s Cures the Burning effect.

Cure Electrification
20 6s/1s Cures the Electrified effect.


The Heaven and Hell artifact are awarded after you finish the arena against either Heaven or Hell by talking to the Faith Servant at +2 Depot. This costs 100 AT and 5 million gold for each attempt. If you die, you fail and will have to attempt it again from the beginning. You can do the arena for both artifacts if you so wish. Each artifact has 3 tiers of effects that enhance certain skills, you can choose one effect for each tier. These effects cna be changed at any time inside of a protection zone.
1st tier: Received when the corresponding arena is finished.
2nd tier: 200 Wargate currency.
3rd tier: 5000 Archlight tokens and 200M Gold

Heaven Artifact

Sun Blast
Sunfire Missile damage increased by 20%..

Burning Light
Increases Burst of Light damage-over-time turns by 2..

Holy Protection
Holy Flash yields a shield for 5% of the caster’s maximum health for 3 seconds..

Bouncy Shock
Holy Shock bounces to 1 extra enemy..

Healing Break
Raise Shields heals for 1.5% of the caster’s maximum health per second for 5 seconds..

Hell Artifact

Increases the number of bounces from Sunfire Missile by 1.

Increases Burst of Light damage-over-time from 70% to 100% of the original damage.

Increases Holy Flash maximum health bonus from 7.5% to 10%.

Holy Explosion
Holy Shock hits in a 2×2 circle area around each enemy hit.

IIncreases Raise Shields duration by 4 seconds.


guardian.1703042352.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 03:19 by vapore